English Options

We have English options for HW courses. For example, we have a course “HW innovation creation”, but it’s only in Japanese. You can compensate those default classes by alternative classes in English (of course you can try to take the default classes though).

A: Potential default classes that can be compensated:
– Innovation introduction (Company visits); 1st grade, Jul- (1.5h x 2 /day)
– HW innovation creation; 1st grade, Oct- (1.5h x 2 /day)
– Outreach; 2nd grade, Jul- (1.5h x 3 /day)

B: Potential alternative classes that can compensate above:
– 国際交流科目 UC Frontier Science “Case Based Critical Thinking” (Course Code:883105 , from autumn,Online) #Rmark

– etc.

Roughly, 1.5 hour of A can be compensated by 1.5 hour of B. Please email to a faculty in charge of the default classes if you want to choose some alternative classes beforehand.

UC lectures will be offered as International Exchange Subjects (国際交流科目). You can get 2 credit unless you use this lecture for HW complements.