Enrollments in 2017

Yagi, Satoshi

Graduate School of Engineering Science Systems Innovation Major

Osaka University, School of Engineering Science

Q What was your motivation for joining the program, and what about the program appeals to you?

Humanware is a study programme that offers researchers interdisciplinary interaction with other various fields like biology, informatics and cognitive sciences.
Currently, industries from manufacturing to social robotics are eagerly scouting for interdisciplinary trained researchers to keep up with the ever-changing global environment. As such, the Humanware programme aims to foster the ability to conduct such multifaceted research in its researchers.

Q What is your expertise and who do you want to develop it with the program?

My research in the Master course involves Human and Robot interaction. For an aging society like Japan, robots are seen as part of the solution to an increasing shortage of labour.
However, for robots to become truly useful in society, I must consider not just the technical process of how robots can adapt to human environments, but also place equal importance on creating robots that humans can naturally relate to.
In my master’s programme, I am able to deepen my technical expertise of robot creation. However, Humanware provides me the opportunity to expand beyond my field of learning. This expanded understanding provides insight into what humans require from robots, allowing me to align functions and operations to create a robot that I believe may be able to serve society.

Q What are your future dreams and goals?

To state more succinctly, I am motivated to create a robot that can be of benefit to society by maximising the knowledge gained from the various subjects of research. With the intersection of technical skills from my Master’s study, and the knowledge of human-robot interaction provided by Humanware, I hope to bring a fresh and original perspective to robotics.

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