Enrollments in 2015

Meneses Carnero Alexis Jose

Graduate School of Engineering Science Systems Innovation Major

Graduate of Osaka University, School of Engineering Science


Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.

“it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eyes”
– Antoine of Saint Exupery

Q What was your motivation for joining the program, and what about the program appeals to you?

I joined to Human Ware Program because I believe interdisciplinary research is the next step in science. It is not enough to be expert in just one topic, it is essential to share the knowledge and contribute to develop bigger and better things.

Q What is your expertise and who do you want to develop it with the program?

I studied Electronic Engineering, and I focus in Telecommunications. I think that people have a need to communicate information, and Robotics could be a way to find a better understanding on the information communication. I am working with music and Robots and I want to research more about the sound effect in the communication using wireless networks to improve the emission and reception of the sound on people.

Q What are your future dreams and goals?

My near dreams is to find the key point on social communication through people to treat social diseases using telecommunications and robots. I am convinced about the power of the social relations in the Quality of live in people, and improving small details, I will be able to achieve my goal of express ideas more precisely and find better treatments to the actual social diseases.

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